
Sedum as ready-to-use roof cover

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Tuinhuis met Sedum

Did you know.. our ready to use plant mats are extremely suitable for an inclined surface? Therefore our ground covers are used often at roofs or slopes.  


This recent project in cooperation with Van Eden Hoveniers is a beautiful green example: Van Eden covered the inclined roof of this new building with the Covergreen Sedum plant mats. Designer Arjan Goossen choose the Covergreen® Sedum intentionally: Sedum is a good roof cover because of its water storing and isolating ability.

In this case they used our Sedum plant mats without substructure, because the inclined roof had its own buffering base. An alternative would be our new complete Sedum roof cassette. These cassettes are ready-to-use, from base to fully grown sedum mix, and easy to connect. The result: an instant green roof!

Do you want to know more about the benefits of  a green roof and our sedum products? read this.

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